September: Introduce myself, especially to the K’s that don’t
know me
Kodaly Lessons 1 to 4: 4 voices, sol-mi songs, question
and answer form
similar melodic beginnings
prepare silences (rests) and high-low voices
inner hearing songs
beat (rhythm stick routine) and rest
Rhythm Band for Little People - Lessons 1 to 3, slow then normal tempo (for those classes that have time to do this)
Songs: Autumn songs, If You’re Happy and You Know It,
Apples and Bananas,
The Bear Went Over the Mountain, Going Over
the Sea
October: Kodaly
lessons 5 to 8: present silence (rest), present high-low (sol-mi),
question and answer form, call the beat a
beat, present TA, present rest
Rhythm Band for Little People - Lessons 3 normal, 4 slow
then normal, 5 slow
Movement: In the Kodaly lessons, plus Shoemakers Dance,
Johnny Works with
One Hammer
Songs: Halloween songs, Six Little Ducks,
November: Kodaly lessons 9 to 12: practice beat, rest, high, low,
prepare soft-loud,
prepare and present ostinato, prepare fast-slow
Rhythm Band for Little People - Lessons 5 normal, 6 slow
then normal, 7 slow
Movement - as in the Kodaly lessons, plus Danish Dance of
Greeting, Chair Game
Pavo Pavo
Songs: Thanksgiving songs, plus Quaker, Quaker (has a
game), Skip to My Lou,
Jim Along Josie (has mvmt)
Dec: Kodaly Lessons 13 through 15 - Question and Answer
form practice, timbre of
objects, prepare ti-ti, present ti-ti, rhythm
Rhythm Band for Little People - Lessons 7 normal, 8 slow
then normal
Movement: Continue Danish Dance, plus Kodaly movement
activities in lessons
Songs: Holidays (Hanukkah and Christmas)
January: Kodaly lessons 16 through 19:L Practice all concepts, and review
Rhythm Band for Little People - Lessons 9 slow then
normal, then review
Movement: Chair Game, Eraser Game, review favorites
Songs: Martin Luther King songs, Mr. Clickety, I Know An
Old Lady, Weave Me the
Sunshine, Muffin Man
February through June: repeats the previous months with another group of students at another school.